Why Light Table Play? | Still Playing School

Why Light Table Play?

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What is a light table?
We've wanted a light table since I first saw them brightening up the play of several educational blogs that I followed several years back.  A light table or light panel is a sturdy frosted piece of plastic or glass with a light source underneath.  Originally used for drafting and artwork, they have revolutionized the way children can play and learn as well.

The commercial versions are pricey but there are DIY tutorials available if you'd like to build your own, convert an existing play table (We did this back in October and plan to post a how-to on it soon!), or create a light bin (in the most economical way) out of a plastic storage container!

Why light table play?

From open ended play to art and crafts to teaching educational concepts, there is so much to do on the light table.

Sensory Input

I've written about the importance of sensory play.  The glow of the light table adds a whole new element. Toys looks different with light beneath them, colors are more vivid, and we can discover details in nature. You can play and learn in so many new and different ways!

Attention & Focus

Don't you want to jump in and play, too?  Not only will your child's attention be focused for lengthier periods of time, but I promise that you will be tempted to engage with him which makes the play experience so much more enriching for everyone!  Academic activities are attended to longer so concepts and skills are retained.

Soothing Calm

The light table is perfect for quiet winter afternoon play or winding down before bed.  The glow and the quiet setting create an infallible activity to settle us down in the most cozy way.

So what do we do?

Do you have a light table or plans to make one?

This content was originally published as my monthly post at Lebanon Macaroni Kid.

1 comment :

  1. I have been wanting to make a light table for a long time. Perhaps I will make it a point to get to it this winter. I'm certain my two year old would love it and we have lots of materials that he could use on one already.
