Our new inflatable globe is perfect for this hands on geography game for kids! We love to plan active ways to learn so this gross motor activity definitely was a big success for us.
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We've all wanted a globe for awhile, but we knew that a traditional one would likely sit on a shelf gathering dust and taking up space most of the time. An inflatable globe ball though sounded perfect for our active hands-on learning family!
We've recently been discussing the continents so we played a game where we would toss the ball to someone. They would have to name the continents (or oceans) that their hands were touching when they caught the globe.
For a simpler version, kids could identify if they were touching land or water. Our daughter loved showing her preschooler brother the blue water versus the colorful countries. A more advanced version can challenge students to name the countries they touch as they catch the globe.
More Continent Learning Activities:
Hands-On Plate Tectonics from Schooling a Monkey
Continent Boxes from Parenting Chaos
Story of Olympic Rings with Free Printable from Planet Smarty Pants
Assigning Global Landforms to Continents from Line Upon Line Learning
Continents Books for Kids from 123 Homeschool 4 Me

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