Still Playing School: July 2015

Water Play: Sorting Land and Water Animals

We worked math and science into our water play by sorting animals into their habitats. Our kids love this simple invitation to explore through hands on learning!

Sorting water and land animals with water play for kids

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Back to School Process Art for Kids

Our kids love collaborating on process art projects together. Painting with a school bus is the perfect large and fine motor back to school invitation to create! Kids can learn their school bus route number as an added bonus, too.

School Bus Process Art Painting Back to School Craft for Kids

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Funnel Painting Process Art for Kids

We are dedicated in planning activities for our kids but I'll even admit that we don't do open ended process art projects as much as we'd should! This invitation to paint with funnels was the perfect creative outlet for our kids.

Use funnels and paint as a fun process art invitation for kids!

read more " Funnel Painting Process Art for Kids "

Cape May Whale Watcher Dolphin Tour

We are environmentalists and homeschoolers. We teach our children to love and appreciate animals but only in their most natural environments. The Cape May Whale Watcher's Whale and Dolphin Watching Tour is the educational trip of a lifetime. We saw dolphins in the Atlantic but most importantly we solidified deeper philosophies about these amazing animals through the experience of seeing them in the wild.

read more " Cape May Whale Watcher Dolphin Tour "

Lemon Ginger Ice Cubes for Refreshing Infused Water

Do you and your kids drink enough water to stay hydrated through out the day? We've started making lemon ginger ice cubes to flavor our water, increase health benefits, and remind us to drink up!

read more " Lemon Ginger Ice Cubes for Refreshing Infused Water "

Fish Color Matching on the Light Table

Color matching is one of the pre-cursor skills to sorting items by different attributes. It's a vital early math skill for preschoolers! We made color sorting extra fun by creating an under the sea theme on the light table! Our kids matched the scales to the fish in this colorful game.

read more " Fish Color Matching on the Light Table "